“The bigger the challange, the bigger is the opportunity to grow”
First of all, I would like to congratulate you
You are here, you’ve made it through 2020. The year of massive transformation!!!
Year of massive expansion and a paradigm shift. It is a pivotal point in the process of our Ascension, Transformation, and Collective Awakening, yet many people find themselves not clear of what is really going on here.
In a few of my FB Live Videos, I have stated that WE as a Collective Consciousness ARE IN A TRANSITIONAL STAGE, where everything in our life has been stirred in order to get to a different state of being.
However, we first have to recognize that this reality is very personal before we can get to the collective expansion, or said in another way, to get to the collective we go through a very personal disclosure.
I call it VIP – Very Intimate & Personal
Know exactly where you are now and where do you want to be in the next stage.
Many people have asked me, Tzveta DaVinci, how do I get to the other side?
I have a simple answer to that simple yet complex question.
You have to know what you want first, & then the sky is the limit.
Clarity creates an invisible energetic imprint on the screen of your reality. It is like a spark in a fire, like a fuel to your car.
To get what you want, you have to know what exactly you want. It is simple, yet are you clear about this?
We all have ideas of what we want, but mostly our ideas are vague, fussy, and out of focus.
Clarity is how we get started. There is nothing to do at this stage (no action) except to get a clear vision of what you want.
This is the first step, and the most crucial one, to get what you want.
Here is where I step in and guide you through a very simple process.
For this powerful times of massive change, I am offering Clarity Coaching sessions (30 min) on Messenger, Skype, or Phone for $50.
Clarity Coaching will provide a step by step process that involves all necessary elements so you can create your desired outcome.
How can I book my session?
Click here to go to the donation form page, contribute $60, and in the Comment section, write “Clarity Coaching Beyond 2020.”
After I receive your form, I will send you an email with available dates and times for our session.
If you wish to work in depth with your life, I offer the DaVinci Spiral Activation Session – A Blueprint of Your Life. I work with my DaVinci Spiral model of how creation creates and how we create in 3 simple steps. I have generated and activated the New Human Being Collective Spiral Chart, through which I am reading the favorable energies.
Click here to read more information about the DaVinci Spiral Activation.