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TANZA at Eyes Wide Open - Bonita Springs, FL - Tzveta Davinci - Fine Art Design & Transformational Coaching

Eyes Wide Open
9200 Bonita Beach Rd Suite 202 & 204 Bonita Springs, FL 34135
Phone: (239) 948-9444

TANZA at Eyes Wide Open - Bonita Springs, FL - Tzveta Davinci - Fine Art Design & Transformational Coaching


Tzveta DaVinci’s TANZA Dynamic Transformation, Music Movement Meditation. Release, rejuvenate and refresh. Experience a profound physical, emotional and mental detox in two hours of free flow movements, laughing, kundalini rising and guided meditation. Let the rhythm set you free.

Increasing your personal energy may be the answer you have been looking for. The question is… Where does this energy come from? It comes from within. And it can be generated with TANZA!
The benefits of TANZA are countless: from a joyful workout (and an instant face lift), to a shift in perception and attitude, a sense of lightness and peace, an awakening to a deeper level of you.
TANZA – a new way of being in the world.

As you embark on this exciting journey, here are a few suggestions to help you prepare:
Please arrive 15 minutes prior to the event
Wear comfortable clothes so that you can move freely
Bring a small towel and plenty of water for your transformation work
Bring a light blanket for the meditation, and a note pad for recording the gifts and messages you may receive during your journey.
And, last but not least, bring a willingness to shift and transform.
Feel free to send me an email with any questions or concerns you may have.

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