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The Spiral movement is woven in all creation. From our DNA to the vast galaxies and all in between.It unfolds and evolves with a spiral energetic path and so do you.

 Spiral Guide Reading/Activation

Where are you on your personal Spiral? What element is predominate in your life right now? What can I do? How can I navigate my life with ease?

All this and many more question will be answered, leaving you with deep sense of clarity and direction

We look at past, present and future moments of transition challenges and changes, connecting the dot of your most important life experiences.

We discover your energetic birth and find out about the essence of our soul/spirit.

We travel through the 4 elements and the 9 states of being.

Activation starts with seeing your entire life on the Spiral map, making it possible for you to see the connection with events, experiences and emotional pattern.

Using energetic channels we together deactivate persistent unwanted patterns and activate your personal powers and gifts.

You will leave the activation empowered, uplifted and inspired, learning how to create moment to moment, deliberately and consciously. Leaving you with deep sense of meaning and freedom.

You will learn how creation creates and how you can apply this knowlidge  for creating a joyful and fulfilling life.

Duration: 2 hours ( in person – in the Spiral Garden – wether permitted, phone or Skype )


For this reading I will need your birthday and place of birth prior to the reading


I have gathered from around the world, many different teachings, alchemical, energetic processes and techniques to create this fascinating chart, combining ancient and modern knowledge. This is a fusion of my personal life, collaboration of art, science and energy work. I have tested this system with many people and the accuracy is remarkable.

With Love and Joy


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